Re: FP Include (HomeSite comments)

by "The Web Center" <admin(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 11 Aug 1999 05:52:33 -0400
 To:  <hwg-basics(at)>
 References:  pipeline
  todo: View Thread, Original
I'm going to second this, although I am only in my first week with Homesite.
One thing about it that bothers me though, and I haven't had time to look it
up yet, is that my version is set to return to the directory it started in,
or was shutdown in, at every activation of the file->open
there a switch that will cause it to return to the last used directory with
each new open request..>?


----- Original Message -----

In HomeSite 4.0, menubar Options-Settings-HTML tab
has "Lowercase all inserted tags".

Also there is menubar-Edit-"Convert Tag Case"
which will convert all tags to lowercase.

As someone else mentioned, you can configure HomeSite's CodeSweeper to
indent and capitalize exactly like you want it.

I used to use only Notepad, for reasons similar to what you said,
I don't like the software to mess with my code, even to indent or
capitalize. But after I got HomeSite configured correctly,
I never looked back.

I use HomeSite with DreamWeaver, so I NEVER use HomeSite's WYSIWYG window,
which is, indeed, atrocious! But these two programs, *used together*,
are my favorite tools for writing html.


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