RE: NN Operational

by "Bert Doorn" <bdoorn(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 14 Jun 2000 23:12:49 +0800
 To:  "David Pippen" <gadale(at)>
 Cc:  <hwg-basics(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
Had a quick look at the source code.

You have problems with missing CLOSING tags for TABLE, TR and TD - a quick
count showed that there's not the same number of /TABLE tags as there are
TABLE tags.  NN has a real problem with that.  Even though closing TD and TR
tags are (by the spec) optional, always use them or NN gets confused (and
refuses to display the page)

I would suggest you run the page through the validator at to see what's wrong...  Only, it throws up so many
"validation errors" - enough to confuse (almost) anyone.  So that's no help.
No, I don't want to start a "validate or not" war.

I also noticed you have a FORM which is outside a TD and before a TR tag.
This could also be part of your problem.

Bert Doorn, Web Developer

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