Re: Homesite 4.0

by "Paul Wilson" <webgooru(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 2 Sep 2000 14:32:05 -0500
 To:  "Ted Temer" <temer(at)>,
"HWGBASICS" <hwg-basics(at)>
 References:  brainiac localhost
  todo: View Thread, Original
>Bill Gates and Microsoft did not get where they are by putting out junk
nobody wanted !!!

>OK Fuzzy, duck--here comes one ...

>If one is running Windows 95 or 98, you are missing some of the best
features of Windows if you are NOT using IE 4+.

Shame shame shame,  one more M.S. loving email out of you and I will turn
your email address over to my local Linux Users Group for your un-American
activities.  <grin>

Actually I wanted to chime in here and mention why AOL is still using IE
rather than Netscape.  There are a couple reasons, the main one being that
M.S. has a contract with them.

If AOL uses I.E. in its software package then M.S. puts a copy of AOL in
every Windows install.    If/when they remove I.E. from the AOL software.
then M.S. will take AOL off the Windows install for violation of contract...
plus probably sue them.  Gotta pay for those lawyers somehow.

The other reason is that there is no recent acceptable copy of Netscape.
They are working on it, but they are not there yet. Netscape 4.x is sliding
in the polls because it is ancient history by Internet standards.  If AOL
switched browsers it would loose many capabilities.

In their defense, Netscape 6 is being done according to standards more than
any other browser, but its taking over two years get there.  They lost
serious market share.

Paul Wilson

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