Re: Hot Metal and Front Page

by "Ted Temer" <temer(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 6 Oct 1999 15:00:48 -0700
 To:  <hwg-basics(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original

Usually I find myself defending FrontPage against a sky filled
with slings and arrows. It's rather refreshing to "defend"
another program for a change.

HTML is HTML is HTML. No matter WHAT program you use, a page of a
reasonable length will load ALL the html code on that page in
itty bitty nanno seconds. Surely, at least within a second or
two. Here I am talking about the raw code, not the "goodies"
called by the code.

Bad code might "hang" a browser or even crash it as often happens
with Netscape. However, the chance of any modern program writing
code that bad, all on it's own, with no "forcing" by the person
using the program, is seldom going to happen.

That having been said, remember that most of these programs
insert your code on a tag by tag basis. So--it is possible to
tell it to do something that would cause a browser to go bananas.

Wild example. Placing tables within tables a half dozen deep
might look just fine in FrontPage and even work in IE but
Netscape just might be offended and pout or take forever to load.
OR -- If you inserted a 100K graphic it would also take forever
to load, no matter what program inserted it into the page.

The point to all this is that it's the elements of the page that
usually causes the trouble, not the brand of the program you used
to create them.

You say you also have FrontPage. Try loading the page you created
in HotMetal Pro into FP and resave it. Unless you actually change
something, it is quite likely that it will STILL be slow to load.

An exception to this might be where FrontPage automatically
closed a cell or table or added a line break that may have been
causing a problem. However, you would not expect HotMetal to have
created such a boo-boo in the first place.

As Art mentioned, if you could give us a URL we could all have a
go at it and just maybe, one of us might stumble our way into an

Best wishes
Ted Temer
Temercraft Designs Redding, CA

>Hi everyone,
>I have recently created a web site using Hot Metal, I usually
use Front Page
>98.  We use MS IIS for our web server.  My problem is when I
imported the
>sight from Hot Metal to the MS server, the page is EXTREMELY
slow to load.
>The page is not usable the way it is.  Is there anything I can
do to fix
>this other than recreate the page?  I know Hot Metal and FP add
a lot of
>their own "junk" into the code.
>Todd Morris, Technical Support
>L.D. Brinkman & Co.
>1655 Waters Ridge
>Lewisville, TX 75057
>Voice - 972.353.3601
>Fax - 972.353.3633

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