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Form Problemby "Dave Burlingame" <drbexe(at)tampabay.rr.com> |
Hi... I don't mean to interrupt the "morals" discussion, but I have a real problem with a form, and this list is really awesome for problem solving..... here's some details: It's a "Product Search" form on a web site for about 60 stores to use. It's in a password protected folder, as it's only for the 60 stores to use, but if anyone would like to see the code, I'll post it below (with some extra "dots" for those with HTML on...). Now, the problem. For some users, this form works fine. For other users, it only transmits part of the form. The forms that don't transmit properly are all cut off at exactly the same place.... about 25 characters into the last field, the "Parts You Are Searching For" field. Some users put about two pages worth of information in this field, and everybody gets it fine. Other users get cut off at exactly the same place, every time. I've made all the fields "textarea"s so the form doesn't get "Submitted" when a user hits the "Enter" key. I don't think this has anything to do with the problem, but if there's a better way to do this, please let me know. I'll try about anything. The form is set to e-mail to about 80 addresses, and I'm using Matt's FormMail (which is set up by my server, so I'm not sure I can change it). Can anybody give me any clues to try??? I'm at wits end!! I've tried a lot of things, like making all the e-mail addresses lower case, making the "Method" "Post" instead of "Get", etc. By the way, one of the users that the form works for correctly is on AOL, so I guess that's not the problem! Dave Burlingame http://www.drbexe.com/ Here's the code.... <.!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224/loose.dtd"> <.HTML> <.HEAD> <.META NAME="Author" CONTENT="David Roy Burlingame"> <.TITLE>PRODUCT SEARCH</TITLE> <./HEAD> <.BODY> <.H1 ALIGN=CENTER>PRODUCT SEARCH FORM</H1> <.CENTER><.B>Simply fill in the form and press the Submit button at the bottom of the page!<./B><./CENTER> <HR ALIGN="center" WIDTH="50%" SIZE=2> <.FORM METHOD=GET ACTION="/cgi-bin/formmail.pl"> <.input type=hidden name="recipient" value="drbexe(at)tampabay.rr.com,jgrayragco@ .msn.com, .....{{{ there's about 80 e-mail addresses here, and it's *supposed* to be a confidential list, so I've removed them. But they are all like the first two, which I've left in, all separated by commas.}}}....,"> <.input type=hidden name="redirect" value="h.ttp://www.ragco.com/internal/"> <.TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=5> <.TR><.TD><.B>Your Store:<./B><./TD><.TD><.TEXTAREA NAME="StoreName" ROWS=2 COLS=40><./TEXTAREA> <./TD><./TR> <.TR><.TD> <.B>Your Name:<./B><./TD><.TD><.TEXTAREA NAME="Name" ROWS=1 COLS=40><./TEXTAREA><./TD><./TR> <.TR><.TD><.B>Your E-Mail Address:<./B><./TD><.TD><.TEXTAREA NAME="email" ROWS=1 COLS=40><./TEXTAREA> <./TD><./TR> <.TR><.TD> <.B>Company Phone:<./B><./TD><.TD><.TEXTAREA NAME="Phone" ROWS=1 COLS=40><./TEXTAREA> <./TD><./TR><.TR><.TD> <.B>Company Fax:<./B><./TD><.TD><.TEXTAREA NAME="Fax" ROWS=1 COLS=40><./TEXTAREA> <./TD><./TR><./TABLE> <.CENTER><.B>Now, please describe the parts you would like to search for:<./B><./CENTER> <.CENTER><.FONT SIZE="-1"><.B>Note: You are not limited by the size of the box. You can enter as much text as you like.<./B><./FONT><./CENTER> <.CENTER><.TEXTAREA NAME="Parts" ROWS=10 COLS=60><./TEXTAREA><./CENTER> <HR ALIGN="center" WIDTH="50%" SIZE=2> <.CENTER><.B>Note: Be specific; besides the product name you're looking for, don't forget size, quantity and any other important information!<./B><./CENTER> <HR ALIGN="center" WIDTH="80%" SIZE=4 NOSHADE> <.CENTER><.INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Submit Form"> <.INPUT TYPE="RESET" VALUE="Reset Form"><./CENTER> <./FORM> <HR ALIGN="center" WIDTH="50%" SIZE="3"> <br> <.CENTER><.B>This site created by...<./B><./CENTER> <.CENTER><.A HREF="http://www.drbexe.com/"><.B>DRB.EXE OF TAMPA BAY<./B><./A><./CENTER> <./BODY> <./HTML>
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