Re: AOL and photos

by "Paul Wilson" <webgooru(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 5 Feb 2001 10:05:35 -0500
 To:  "Susan Vollmer" <susanvollmer(at)>,
 References:  hotmail
  todo: View Thread, Original
>My question is does anyone have ideas or information on how to keep photos
from deteroriating when viewed through a live AOL connection?  I cannot find
any pattern, whether photos have been edited with a graphics program or if
they have just been scanned and uploaded with no alterations, sometimes
there are distortions.  In other cases, there is no distortion at all.

AOL defaults to 256 colors even for .JPG images.  They do this to keep down
the amount of packets they send for your graphics.  This allows them to have
more traffic on the same hardware infrastructure.

The way to change the settings is go to My AOL in 4 or 5.  Select
Preferences.  Then select Graphics.  At the bottom is a nondescript button
labeled Set Color Mode, click on it.  Select "more than 256 colors" and life
should get better.  It still messes up some things like backgrounds.  Not
sure if that is their fault or the I.E. engine being used in AOL.

Paul Wilson

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