Re: survey form and cookies

by "Darrell King" <darrell(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 5 Feb 2000 09:16:16 -0500
 To:  <hwg-basics(at)>
 References:  jim
  todo: View Thread, Original
>>> I understand that this would be done by using a cookie left on the
visitors computer. How do you leave a cookie, and once left there, how do
you remove or get around it so that future surveys could be submitted?<<<

Actually, cookies can be gotten around easily...just be deleting them, or
turning them off.  Ditto JavaScript solutions.

The most reliable way to handle this is to use a valid email address as an
ID, and make the person completing the form register first.  Then mail them
a link to the form.  They can still take the survey multiple times, but need
an eamil address for each.  Of course, if they have a catchall bin, they can
do this all day long.  They only way to avoid that would be to allow only
one entry from one domain...which precludes multiple hotmail addresses, AOL
addresses, etc.

Of course, you could combine solutions, and exclude know public providers
cuch as AOL or the major ISP domains form the domain far into
this do you wish to go?

Bottom line is that it is easy to make is *difficult* for a person to submit
multiple entires, but I can't think of any Internet-only solution to make it
possible....I'll be interested in hearing what options develop for this


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