Re: Mac vs. PC

by "Tom Keatley" <tom(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 4 Mar 2000 00:26:38 +0800
 To:  <hwg-basics(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
>Ted had some very logical ideas, but I have to disagree with his
>main point, that the Mac and PC have great problems sharing files.
> The main fault here isn't the Mac, but the PC.  Macs can read
>most PC files with the three character suffix, but PCs cannot read
>Mac files without these suffixes.  Macs have no problem reading
>PC disks, Zips, floppys Jaz, you name it.  PCs can't read Mac
>formatted disks.  If you have a JPEG or a GIF that you want to
>send to someone, just give it a ".jpg" or ".gif".  Photoshop? ".psd"
>Quark? ".qxd" Illustrator? ".ai"  It just takes a little technical
>knowledge that, as someone working in this field, one should have
>anyway.  If you're going to be working in web design, you'll have to
>save files with a three character suffix anyhow.

Far be it from me to contribute to yet another Mac/PC war but
mis-information is worse than no suggest that Mac (orPC)
can read the others applications native file formats is incorrect UNLESS the
original application programmers have built this facility in (I think
Pagemaker is one program that transfers fairly easily and there will be many
others) BOTH can read the others disks I am unsure as to the Macs need for a
third party program but I have been using the program (below at ) for years on the PC  ...I think there is still a free
download but the freebie is limited to copying and reading floppies . There
are many file formats that are common to both  (TIF files for example) the
only consideration with a PC is to re-name the file GRAPHIC.TIF as the PC
looks at the extension to find out the file type.

I thought we'd left the juvenile days of "mines bigger than yours" BOTH
platforms perform a function and as time progresses they grow closer
together and there is little (if anything) that one wont do that the other

TransMac - TransMac is a Windows utility that can read, write and format
Macintosh high density diskettes, CDROMs (read only), harddrive, and most
removable drives (Zip, Jaz, Click, SyQuest, optical, etc.). 32 bit version
runs under Windows 95/98/NT/2000. 16 bit version runs under Windows 3.1.
Single user registration fee: US $64.00.

Sorry for sounding off but the big toy small toy one NEVER FAILS to get me


Tom Keatley

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