Re: Can anyone recommend a reliable hosting service for web pages?

by "Darrell King" <darrell(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 6 Sep 2000 15:25:30 -0400
 To:  <hwg-basics(at)>
 References:  texas
  todo: View Thread, Original
We are in the middle of a history-making boom quite similar to the US
history's California Gold Rush.  There is money to be made on all fronts,
frontiers to be explored, lives to be started over.

There's also an incredible amount of people wishing to cash in on the
situation, and not all have the patience or time to learn the skills needed
to do it the most secure way.

My guess is that web-based interfaces are so popular because they allow
people who haven't learned the necessary system skills to become involved in
the action.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Tom Polk" <jtpolk(at)>

I've always wondered this:

How important is it to have a Web Interface to administer a web site?
The reason I wonder is that I've always considered them a security risk,
yet every service I see that is boosting their hosting on the Internet
has some form of a web interface. Is this a gimmick or do people just
accept the security risks?


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