Re: The Joys of MSIE

by Thomas James Allen <tjallen(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 11 Aug 1999 19:37:08 -0400
 To:  Jim Tom Polk <jtpolk(at)>
 Cc:  hwg-basics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Jim Tom Polk,
It might not be too hard to fix (depending upon whether MSIE
follows this rule...!)

"If two areas intersect, the one which appears first in the map definition
takes precedence in the overlapping region." (quoted from the Guide in
HomeSite 4.0)

So you can draw a big rectangle, put it last in the shape list,
link it to index.html, and pray!

Hope this helps!

At 05:26 PM 8/11/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Just got through doing a site, and now will have to redo all the links
>on the site that use an IMAGEMAP, all because of MSIE.
>According to the HTML spec's, and accepted practice since, oh, I guess
>about 1996 or 1997, there was the shape attribute with the value of
>default. You set that, and anywhere on an IMAGEMAP where there were no
>other shapes or coords defined, you could click, and it would take you
>to that link. In my case, I defined shape of DEFAULT to go to index.html
>or the home page of the site.
>Well, I might have been using what was once called an Netscapism, but I
>checked and at least from HTML 4.0, it has been part of the spec's. I
>found it first defined for the CERN server in a document dated 1995, so
>it has a pretty strong history.
>Basically, there is no ''DEFAULT'' setting for an IMAGEMAP that I can
>figure out for MSIE. 
>Great HTML support Microsoft...100 percent...say's right there on the
>box. We are the best.
>they all have limitations, but this one dumbfounds me.
>Jim Tom Polk

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