RE: Only for society's elite

by Jim Tom Polk <jtpolk(at)>

 Date:  27 Dec 2001 13:06:50 -0600
 To:  "hwg-basics(at)" <hwg-basics(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
Does not surprise me. I'm not real impressed with the Arizona law
officials. Back some months ago, I reported to the Arizona Dept. of
Corrections that they had a directory on their web server, "_private/",
and that in there was a text file open to the public where they were
placing all ADC employee requests for jobs. I thought that the webmaster
should know about that since it probably had sensitive information about
the ADC employees.

Well, I get a call from the chief criminal investigator of the ADC,
investigating on the behest of the AG's office, informing me that I've
committed under Arizona law a felony by "seeing" a file that was not
linked to by the web site, thus I had "hacked" the web site, and the
investigation was merely to determine whether the "felony" I had
committed was done with bad, "hacking",  intentions or some other

They rattled my cage and "determined" that while I had committed a
"felony" under Arizona Law, I had not done so with bad intentions, and
such was reported back to the State's Attorney General Office.

I will not be vacationing in Arizona, ever.

Ah, Arizona, the state where a brightly colored, happy, flashing
animated "NEW" GIF file is beside every new death row inmate.

The Community Relations web site for the Police Department of the City
of Chandler, AZ had a similar problem and Kathee and I offered
suggestions to improve accessibility and we offered to fix it for them
for free.

Someone called us and we talked about AzTeC ( Arizona Free-Net ) users and the fact that they could not access the
site.  We talked about the blind people in the community and the people
with older computers. They responded back:

"We don't want those people going to our site."

Jim Tom Polk -:- jtpolk(at) -:-	
	''You might as well fall flat on your face as 
	  lean over too far backwards.''      --James Thurber--
   "The Universe is run by the complex interweaving of three 
          elements: energy, matter and enlightened self-interest." 
 		- G'Kar  "Survivors"                                  

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