Re: Follow on from 'doctype question'

by "Captain F.M. O'Lary" <ctfuzzy(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 29 Sep 2000 20:03:31 -0400
 To:  Freda Lockert <fredalockert(at)>,
 References:  canopy canopy2
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 07:22 PM 9/29/00 +0100, Freda Lockert wrote:
>Mr Fuzzy, I love you, you just saved me a load of typing.

Hey, I'll have you know in some parts of the world FUZZY is a GIRL'S name
thank you very much !!

<just kidding> But *I* screw folks genders up based on what I *perceive*
their name to be (male or female) fairly regularly here, so I could not
resist the temptation to tease when the opportunity arose :-).

Freda here is the part that I think is confusing you:

*IF* the document _ has _ a <.HEAD><./HEAD>, that head element _must_
contain the <.TITLE></TITLE> set. *IF* you are brave enough to publish a
document without the <.HEAD> set, you should _ not _ include the <.TITLE> set.

Imagine, if that confuses you and me, how the dumb a_ _ browsers must feel !!!

Sorry. "Optional" or not, da Fuzz is including both elements until they are
long depreciated (read: no longer validate).

P.S. Isn't "" an abbreviation for "numb nuts"? ;-) I guess no one
told those folks they have it backwards. The browser manufacturers look to
the W3 for rules that allow their products to work with everyone else's code.

[ . . . ]
>"Every HTML document must have a TITLE element in the HEAD section."
>If this is so, then every document must have a head section, or don't 
>I understand my native language any more?? Can you create a 'head' 
>section without <head>blurb</head>?
>This was the response I got from
>"The only people who still think unneeded codes are necessary are the W3
>folks, who don't program browsers."
[. . . ]
Captain F.M. O'Lary
FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION.  It comes bundled with the software.

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