Re: Adding a text link

by Jim <webmaster(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 20 Jun 2000 14:01:40 -0700
 To:  "'basics'" <hwg-basics(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  ESW1
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 12:28 PM 6/20/00 , Kate Katzban-Beren tickled the electrons and they 
aligned themselves to form these words:

>   So now I have another question.  I am
>trying to add text links directly beneath graphical links in a one row
>table.  For three out of four this just meant putting a <.br> after the
>graphic & then adding the text.  However, if I do this below the
>search box I get a lot of white space between the graphic and the text.  If
>I take out the <.br> the white space is minimized but not eliminated.  I
>tried putting all the code of that <.td> on one line, but it didn't help so
>I changed it back.  Does anyone know what's causing this?


The form and 2 nested tables in that cell take up more vertical space than 
the graphics in the other three cells.

You can:

1) add more <.br> until things line up (ugh!)
2) put the text above the graphics (not quite so ugh!, but still...)
3) add a new row and place the text in cells under the existing ones 
(thumbs up!)
4) something I've probably forgotten that's really cool and would work 
great--- go with #3

It will be more space than what you have now, but at least they will all be 
the same.


Jim Parsons
phone: (509) 521-5424
fax: (603) 288-0200

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