Re: graduating from WYSIWYG editors

by Tamara Abbey <tamara(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 04 Sep 2000 16:06:41 -0500
 To:  Barbara Money <bmoney(at)>,
"hwg-basics(at)" <hwg-basics(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  hwg
  todo: View Thread, Original

I have tried and uninstalled many, many different *editors.*

I absolutely love FirstPage. I have had it for several months now and I am 
still learning more and more about its features. I keep hoping they will 
introduce their new version soon.

Once my *business* grows up -- Dreamweaver/Fireworks. There are many other 
editors, I know, but I did use a trial version, and it's on my wish list.


At 07:54 PM 9/1/00 -0400, Barbara Money wrote:
>I'm not exactly a newbie, I did my first site in html (notepad), but for
>the past 2 years or so I've been using FrontPage 98 to do web sites at a
>company. I did a couple of simple sites in PageMill 3, I'm drabbling
>around with NetObjects Fusion 4, tried Arachnophilia (didn't like it; it
>seemed unstable somehow), and am now trying out FirstPage from Eversoft.
>When the company closed, I acquired the web clients for my business. Of
>course, they're all done in FP and even though I got the program, I'd
>prefer not to use it if I don't have to. (It took me 6 hours to import 3
>small sites into it on my computer.) Part of the problem is it sets up
>an extremely complicated site structure with subfolders within
>subfolders ad nauseum. So I imported some of the sites into NetObjects
>(easily) only to discover that editing the code requires jumping through
>a few hoops. FrontPage is easier in that regard.
>I"d like to be able to edit code when necessary, but see what the page
>is looking like so I can fix things. That's why I like FirstPage.
>In your opinion, is FirstPage a good editor, and can I grow into it? It
>has various levels of skill built into it so you can choose from easy to
>hardcore editing. Can you create a header or navigation bar that goes
>across several pages and only has to be edited once? I have a new client
>that will have a site that has a lot of pages and I don't want to spend
>hours coding the same thing when he wants to change one link.
>Thanks in advance,
>Barbara Money
>The Essential Image

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