Re: Updating a site

by Tamara Abbey <tamara(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 11 Dec 2000 10:47:48 -0600
 To:  "IceWolf" <icewolf(at)>,
 References:  rushingwalker gte
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 10:52 AM 12/11/00 -0500, IceWolf wrote:
>Tangentally (if that's a word) related:

(Actually it would be tangentially)

><snip>Then she asks how I keep track of files, and how to organize them. 
>That's a
>little more complex. I have a directory labelled WEB SITES on my hard disk.
>Under that is a folder for each of the sites I maintain/author. Under each
>of those folders is the html code for that site, which may or may not
>include a directory structure identical to that on the server.

That's how I do it although if I'm doing a major conversion, I'll create a 
whole new folder for the XHTML or PHP conversions.

I do try to keep things named the same though. My Web folder has the name 
of the site and then sub-folders pretty much the same as they are on the 
server -- I also have some other miscellaneous folders for image bits, 
admin and billing, etc.


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