Re: Comic Sans [was: Re: Text Line Length}

by Tamara Abbey <tamara(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 27 Jan 2001 13:12:52 -0600
 To:  Lead <lead(at)>,
 References:  shoparoundtown
  todo: View Thread, Original

Thank you for the clarification and for the laughs.

I do feel a bit like the Frosted Flakes ad where I need to shield my Comic 
Sans-using identity. I do use comic sans and I use it to convey that casual 
attitude. No, I don't want to be laughed at, but as far as I can tell, 
there are very few fonts to safely choose from at this time. I know 
downloadable fonts are available and there are two types currently in use, 
but I won't download Flash or audio players or movie players, so I'm not 
about to ask people to download a font either.

Most of the time I stick to Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, although I guess I 
could try Verdana and Garamond? But, that's still a very narrow choice (I 
personally have trouble reading Times New Roman on a monitor -- and that's 
me, just me, a personal preference folks). So, even though does not list 
Comic Sans, once in a while, under specific circumstances I just want 
something different.

So, other than the handful of fonts on that list (I know, comic sans is not 
included), what other fonts should/could I use?


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