Re: Creating a non-frames page?

by Ben Ocean <beno(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 17 Apr 2000 07:24:59 -0700
 To:  "Linda Shumaker" <lshum(at)>
 Cc:  hwg-basics(at)
 In-Reply-To:  computer
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi, Linda;
Use the <noframes> attribute. If you like, check out this link:
and view the source code toward the bottom. That should give you some ideas 
;-) HTH,

At 07:16 AM 4/17/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>I am working with a church that is building a website. Most of their site is
>in tables but they have two pages that are in frames. I built them since I
>was the only one that knew at least somewhat how to build them.
>Now for my question. I mentioned making a non-frames version on the pages to
>post for those without frames and the leader of the group said they were
>going to post a statement that goes something like " If you can't view
>frames you need to upgrade to a browser that will view frames."
>His thinking is they need to join the rest of the world but I really think
>that is kind of rude and since they are trying to reach people they can help
>they need to take a different approach. So, I want to be able to argue the
>point for an alternative page set. But I am not sure on how the non-frame
>pages are linked to the framed pages. Will someone please tell me how that
>is done? I have been working on my own non-frame pages and I will need this
>information myself before long. Thank you

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