Re: new browser window

by ShemaXod(at)

 Date:  Wed, 19 Jul 2000 18:14:34 EDT
 To:  shelleyw(at),
  todo: View Thread, Original
In a message dated 7/19/2000 4:44:01 PM Central Daylight Time, 
shelleyw(at) writes:

<< I wanted to get a quick opinion on the opening up of a new
 browser window for outside links placed on a web page.  Any
 pros/cons?  I do not like involuntary pop-up windows myself,
 however, find nothing wrong with clicking a link and getting a
 new window.  I think that someone on this list brought up the
 issue about people who are not familiar with
 browsers/internet/web access might find that a secondary window
 is confusing (?). >>

As a surfer, I find them very confusing! Sometimes you have to use the back 
button or sometimes close the window, and when you do the wrong one either 
everything disappears or you get a bazillion windows to close out when you're 
finished. As far as which is better, I'm eager to hear what the pros think 
too! On my own site, I try to use just one way or the other and I have a note 
on my pages with those links noting just how the viewer can get back to my 

If you want a seperate window to open, use TARGET="_blank", which means 
closing the window to go back. Otherwise, use TARGET="_top" which will have 
to use the back button to get back.


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