Re: Encrypting Text

by Elias Thienpont <elias(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 21 Sep 2000 10:09:55 -0600
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
What will PDF format do for you? I have not examined it enough to find out.
but the same rule sort of applies... If you can down load it you can have it.

Even password protected stuff is protected only until you give out a password.

At 10:25 PM 9/20/00 -0400, you wrote:
>Since we've been talking about encrypting images, I'd like to ask a
>related question.  I am starting a small electronic book publishing
>company (kids' books).  I'd like either to make the texts available as
>downloads or as books on CD-ROMS, both in HTML.  If I sell the books on
>CD-ROMS, there's nothing to prevent the buyer from saving the HTML text
>and passing it along as an e-mail attachment.  I suspect the world will
>not be clamoring for Anna Olswanger books, but, still, I see no reason
>to give away the store.  Is there a way to encrypt text to prevent it
>from being saved and passed on in e-mail?
>Anna Olswanger

Br. Elias Thienpont OSB

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