Re: Browser Fonts/CSS

by Freda Lockert <fredalockert(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 14 Aug 2000 00:39:55 +0100
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
 References:  texas resqnet
  todo: View Thread, Original
>Everyone who has answered has been great (and brave), but the sad fact (I
>think) is either the question scared most people away or their frustration
>level is so high they might have to run out and kill a perfect stranger
>after answering...
>Finding fonts with predictable widths (one or two for serif and sans-serif)
>win/mac NN4 and IE4/5 (and, yes, x-windows too would be nice, in a perfect
>world, but might drive me to suicide) is giving me ulcers. Of course, I
could stick to just one font... but was hoping to have a choice or two...

Seems to me with my limited web experience, this is impossible at 
least as long as Macs and PCs display differently. As a typographer 
and therefore a control freak it pains me to say that. I share your 

I feel about typography and type faces the way Fuzzy feels about 
validation. Typography is not graphic design.
Good typography is transparent, if you notice it then the typographer 
has failed.  The good type face designer is an artist with a strong 
sense of tradition (ie things that work); change the leading and line 
length to suit the medium but don't mess with the face design itself. 
The web badly needs good typography, there's not enough of it about.

A man who would letterspace lower case would also steal sheep - Frederic Goudy

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