Re: FW: Alertbox: WAP Backlash

by ErthWlkr(at)

 Date:  Mon, 10 Jul 2000 20:41:21 EDT
 To:  Bill.Austin(at),
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hello Friends:

It was written:

> Jakob Nielsen has been reading my mind again.  He is quite a bit harsher
>  than I tend to be with regard to this topic.

Coincidentally, I am now reading Neilsen's book, Designing Web usability.  He 

"Mobile access will be the third 'killer app' for the Internet, after email 
and web browsing.  It will become common to access the Internet from portable 
devices with wireless modems.

"A portable device has to be small for users to ber willing to carry it 
around, so web designers have to stop designing for a fixed size screen.  
Instead, web pagesmust scale and workonmany different sizes of display. 
Nomorewillyou hear that frequently asked question 'Should I design for 640 
oir 800 pixels'."

Rather than scoffing at the idea of wireless devices, it seems as if he's 
embracing it although disappointed at the current state of affairs.  Judging 
by the lines at the booths touting wireless at the latest PC Expo, it is a 
technology that is in huge demand. So, do we adapt our current "language" to 
the smaller devices, or does a new language have to be created?  

My only thoughts are these:

- the smaller screen devices are inevitable;

- we will have to service this new user;

- we will have to depend more on content rather than graphics;

 - it's just evolution....

My only regret is that our "conection" will always be on.  Between fax 
machines, cell phones, email, and portable devices, we'll never leave the 
office. That's what we should truly fear....

Just a couple of thoughts on this muggy evening....

- Jeff Kopito

PS - the only other area where the lines were at least as long was for 
Linux.... :-)

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