Re: Cheap Domain Registrations

by "Taylor-Made" <taymade(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 2 Feb 2000 20:01:17 -0600
 To:  <hwg-business(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
Yes, at one point I did use 'host' in the wrong context.  My apologies.

Changing from Network Solutions to another registar can be a simple matter
or it can be time consuming.  If an eMail address has changed or (this
happens many, many times)  ISP's register a domain name for their client but
put it in their company name.  That can take up time to get changed over.
Papers have to be notorized and if you have ever called Network Solutions,
you will find that changing a Registrants name for the domain
(administrative, techinical is easier than the billing contact - especially
if the original eMail is different) can take up to 4 weeks.  I had one that
took 2 months.  Now, when making certain changes, one needs to request it
via letter or fax (faster), but one needs to include a picture ID,
perferably a driver's license.

Ah, the internet is getting more complicated -- but that is only to be
expected.  It used to be too easy to call and change information on a domain


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