hwg-business archives | Mar 2000 | new search | results | previous | next |
Contact organizers, tracking system, invoicingby Grant McNeil <gmcneil(at)communicationworks.com> |
A client wants to do the following: 1. from their website orders for books come in via and e-mail form 2. they want to be able to import the form data into some sort of software that will allow them to a) prepare invoice; b) prepare mailing label; c) keep the contact for future on-line and/or off-line marketing; d) import the data into accounting software 3. they also want to be able to enter any data from previous purchasers on books (prior to going on-line) to use in the future 4. capture e-mail addresses of visitors to their site who write them e-mail for future marketing 5. my question is - this sounds quite feasible and surely there must be a way to easily import/capture information into some sort of database that is simple and cheap. 6. the client handed me a copy of Maximizer 3 contact management software and said they thought they could use that - I don't know the first thing about this piece of software....does anyone have experience with it? Could anyone recommend solution that is quick, cheap and easy for the client to learn/implement? Any input, advice would be appreciated.
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