job hunting annonymously

by WebProgrmr(at)

 Date:  Sat, 22 Apr 2000 03:39:09 EDT
 To:  hwg-business(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
This is a little off topic, but if you consider that HR is part of running a 
HTML shop, then this isn't so far off.

Now to my question...

I'm in a decent situation working for a company that pays "so-so".  The 
biggest part of my compensation package is vested interest in a start up web 
dev firm.  Business is good, but it's not lucrative.. yet.  Unfortunately, 
I'm feeling a bit antsy at the prospect of earning a decent salary NOW rather 
than when the company's sales efforts reach critical mass.

How do I search for a job while maintaining some level of secrecy?  I don't 
want to stir up unnecessary trouble, of course.

Secondary questions:
If I work hard to separate my job search from my company, won't I end up 
being hard to reach?  How often do HR people and managers meet in the 
evenings or early, early mornings?  Are they typically respectful or 
accomodating to the need for separation from my present employer.

Thanks :)

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