Dear HWG members. Critique Requested.

by "Ani" <ani(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 7 Apr 1998 05:06:51 -0700
 To:  <hwg-critique(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original

I require your valuable critiques on my company site that we are just =
beginning the launch (the site, not the company :)
I need inputs on:
    download time (The site was designed for 56k and higher for specific =
reasons. I am interested in what the download times are on 28.8 in =
different countries.)
    Do you think the graphics are too much? What can we =
change/modify/improve and keep the look and feel of the site more or =
less unchanged?
    Please also check JavaScript 1.1 compatibility on browsers other =
than Netscape 4+ and MSIE 4+.

the address is:

What you will see is only the opening page, where we intend to make the =
strongest impact, especially with design. We have sacrificed a little =
bit of the download time, color resolutions and pixel resolution issues =
to get to this. With your inputs we will modify the site so it will suit =
the lowest common denomitor that we seek. The best critiques (good or =
bad) get to have a special mention on our final site pages. So please =
spend a few minutes and let me know. Will appreciate it immensly.

We have designed the site with 16bit color, 800x600 (recommended) =
monitor resolution and a minimum of 33.6 or 56k (recommended) speeds.


METAPHORM multimedia

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