Re: Critique -!

by "Deborah" <deborah(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 21 Sep 1999 13:06:18 -0400
 To:  <hwg-critique(at)>
 References:  hwg hotmail
  todo: View Thread, Original
:: quinn l. :: in a moment of brillance said:

> I'm going to guess that you are using Paint Shop Pro for your graphics.
> you are not I apologize.  If you are, do not use it anymore.  A Web
> Designer/Developer does not use Paint Shop Pro.  Hobbyists use Paint Shop
> Pro.

Excuse me, but who are YOU to say a web designer does not use PSP?  Are you
a web design god?  I think not.  I have PSP, PS, and PI and my tool of
choice is PSP.  Why?  Because it's easy to learn and use, unlike Photoshop.
If I had a month of free time, I might spend it learning the inner workings
of Photoshop.  But, since I don't, I make most of my graphics with PSP.   I
think you are making the incorrect assumption that PSP creates bad graphics.
It's only the end user who has the capability to create bad graphics....and
I'd bet the house that a novice user would make the same crappy graphics
regardless of the graphics application they use.

Furthermore, anyone who makes such blanket biased statements as if they're
some sort of authority ought to back it up with some sort of reasoning
behind it.  Do you have PSP?  Were you unable to make a decent graphic with

Lastly, any software slams disguised as a website critique ought to really
be posted on the HWG Software list.


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