RE: white space

by "S. Beach" <sabrina_beach(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 7 Sep 1999 13:16:07 -0700 (PDT)
 To:  "David Silvan \(Borderline Technologies\)" <v-dsilva(at)>,
  todo: View Thread, Original

--- "David Silvan (Borderline Technologies)" <v-dsilva(at)>
> > How can you all say this is "browser dependent?"  Not once...even
> on
> > WebTV...have I viewed a page of mine that used the technique
> quoted
> > below and not have it work the way it was intended.  Even at
> > different font sizes and faces.  I've been doing this since the
> 2.0
> > browsers.
> I believe that the original question was related to using EXACT
> spacing
> between words and periods.

I don't have the original post in front of me and don't have the time
to go through the archives to double check.  

In print media, there is also no such thing as "exact spacing."  Open
up your favorite word processor, use something other than a monospace
font and take a ruler to the page after you print it.  The spacing is
not exact and anyone in the print world who would suggest so is

If the original poster wants to have each letter and space set up on
the page so they could fit easily into a grid-like pattern, try
"courier" for the font face or set your style sheet to "monospace."

Then, to put two spaces after a sentence, insert "&nbsp;&nbsp;"
between the punctuation and first letter of the next sentence.

I'm not being argumentative here...just stating facts.  It's
difficult to convey tone through written word alone, and if read the
wrong way, the above paragraphs could seem angry.

If anyone still wants to prove me wrong, please do so.  I'd love to
learn something today.  :)

> The non-breaking space tag mentioned earlier by me is a way to
> insert extra
> relative space but not exact space.
> Does this make sense?

It does indeed, but I don't believe "exact" space was the original
concern of the original poster...just that his client wanted to carry
over print media ideals into web media (indentation of new paragraphs
instead of new lines, two spaces after a punctuation mark instead of
one, etc.).  Again, anyone with the original post (or the original
poster him/herself!) please correct me if I am wrong.

Ugh...the sky outside is as silver as the fur of a pussywillow...  :P
4 in the afternoon and it looks like dusk.  *sigh*

Sabrina K. Beach 
Lead Web Developer and
Communications Specialist
Lansdale Computer, Rochester, NY
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