Business Site Critique

by Jesse Pate <j-pate(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 07 Mar 1998 23:12:05 -0600
 To:  hwg-critique(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original

 If you have a few spare moments, could you critique my site at

 Please let me know about:
	1. Load times
	2. Ease of navigation
	3. Look and feel of the site
	4. Anything that seems confusingly worded
	5. Any broken links (there shouldn't be any, but you never know...)
	6. What browser you are using, your screen res, color depth, connection, etc.
	7. Anything else you can think of

 The site isn't completely finished yet (I just added in the software
design section tonight, so there is nothing there except for a title image;
the web and graphic design main pages don't have anything on them except
links to information about those services; the about page is going to be
expanded as soon as I think of something else to say), but I would like to
see some reactions to it before I finish it up.

 Thanks in advance,

    Jesse Pate


Now the laughter turns to tears, now the days seem like years
I hear the gods begin to cheer, as we watch our sky disappear
This is my Exodus
This is my Wire
Send it to those who care
-- The Nixons, "Wire"



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