Re: Critique, Please

by Kynn Bartlett <kynn(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 30 Dec 1998 15:15:10 -0800
 To:  killian(at)
 Cc:  Starr Wolf <starrwolf(at)>, HWG Critique <hwg-critique(at)>
 References:  default
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 11:09 p.m. 12/30/98 +0100, killian jenkins wrote:

>1. The tacky clipart animations are obnoxious.

Agreed.  The worst thing about the little dog is that's cliche'd;
I'd seen it a hundred times and it was not thrilling those times.

>2. The 100% width tables across the screen

What's wrong with those?  ( uses them)

>3. The absurd advertising of your association with HTML writers guild ( and
>other web this and that badges) as though it compensates for plain terrible
>design or validates your worthiness as a designer.

Plus it's an old (and thus invalid) logo; it's not used in accordance
with current Guild logo guidelines.

>4. The terrible download time.

Didn't notice it myself.

>5. The ineffective mouseover.

Which mouseover? :)

>6. The annoying dog clip art animation.


What happened to #7?

>8. The amatuer copy.

You mean "amateur".

>9. The absurdity of 'offering packages'.  Prefabricated sites for clients whose
>needs you don't even know and being presumptious enough to think your 'packages'
>accomodate all.

I don't agree that "packages" equate to "prefab sites".  (Idyll
Mountain uses packages for site design.)  Often it's hard for a
client to visualize what they're getting for their money; giving
a "package list" can help those people commit to the deal.  It's
a useful sales tool.

>10. The annoying dog at the bottom of the page.


>11. No URLS for any of the supposed testimonials.

Agreed -- live links to actual client work is more valuable than
mere testimonials.  I'd rather see good work than hear someone
else give their opinions of it.

>12. Worrying about validating code that is too simple for a validater.

Where did you see this?  I missed it.

>13. About website hosting (heheheh) unless i am very mistaken how the hell can
>you offer a URL like this:

Well, you _can_.  You can name a directory on a web server anything
you want.  Now, as to why you'd _want_ to, I don't know.

>perhaps i am mistaken, but is it possible to have two (coms) in one URL?!!!!!
>;-)  Maybe you have some special service ;-)

Well, you can.  Check out

>12. That annoying dog at the bottom... uhhhh

I think you're hung up on that dog.

Kynn Bartlett  <kynn(at)>         
Chief Technologist, Idyll Mountain Internet
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