Experimental redesign - toy collector site

by Figment <figment(at)figment.org>

 Date:  Tue, 09 Mar 1999 00:05:43 -0500
 To:  hwg-critique(at)hwg.org
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hey, everyone!

The site in my sig is a site I created and maintain for the people in an
action figure collector's newsgroup.  I do it completely for fun (and a LOT
of fun at that!) and have been maintaining it for about 2 years now.  I try
not to let it take itself too seriously.  But lately, I've felt it's time
for a change.  So, I set out to see what I could do with a bit of
imagination. The style I'm going for is something that looks like the back
of an action figure package.  If you aren't familiar with that, think comic
book - bright, colorful, "loud..." Here's a current (non-redesigned)
example of one of the bios of a newsgroup "member":

And here's the (not yet live) design I'm playing around with:

I've tested it with: Internet Explorer 4.01, Netscape 4.04, 3.03, 2.02, and
1.22, Lynx 2.8, Opera 3.51, and Mosiac 3.0.  I'm still working on a slight
Opera glitch, and a slightly more than slight Mosiac glitch (both dealing
with my border - the pages are still completely readable). Other than that,
I'm very happy with it! Oh, and it does validate 4.0 Transitional.

Now I'm hoping that you kind people here will tell me anything I don't know
about.  (Be a bit gentle - this is my first critique and I'm VERY
nervous...)  Besides whether or not it works, I'm looking for opinions,
suggestions (especially if anyone knows how I can make Mosiac happy and
Opera happier), etc. I'd especially love for anyone on any platform that I
don't have (like Mac, AOL, and WebTV) to look at it since I can't.  Please
tell me your OS, browser, and monitor resolution so I can keep track.

<Deep breath>  Ok, have at it!  Thanks a bunch!


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