Re: Candidates representing me

by Kynn Bartlett <kynn-hwg(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 12 Jan 1998 14:59:58 -0800
 To:  Deborah Adelman <dadelman(at)>
 Cc:  Ann Navarro <ann(at)>, hwg-elections(at)
 References:  redshift com
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 04:47 p.m. 01/12/98 -0600, Deborah Adelman wrote:
>Somehow it does not surprise me that I am receiving a good deal of flack
>about what I wrote, not just from Ann.

It doesn't surprise me either, because honestly, your post
was way out in looney-land.

>I still stand by what I said.
>Statements of a religious/gender/racial/political/what-have-you nature are
>going to be misconstrued to be offical representations of the Guild by

Ahhhhh, so you came to the conclusion that Jimmie's sig
represented an official stance by the HTML Writers Guild on
the Divinity of Jesus of Nazareth?

Or is it your fear that, if Jimmie were elected, the Governing
Board would quickly pass an official motion declaring Jesus
to be the Son of God, according to the HTML Writers Guild?

C'mon, now.  I daresay that _any_ reasonable, rational person
would see Jimmie's sig as exactly what it is -- a personal
opinion/belief of one person, and in NO way, shape, or form
indicative of the HTML Writers Guild's official position on

>I feel like *I* am now being attacked for expressing my
>opinion. And yet I am told we all have that right. Interesting, that.

You're being attacked for a dumb opinion that relates to election.
Actually, it's not _you_ who are being attacked, but that dumb
opinion of yours.

Welcome to the realm of debate:  If you have the right to say
something stupid, I have the right to point out just how silly
it was.

Kynn Bartlett <kynn(at)>
President, HTML Writers Guild

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