Re: easier way to select foreground figure

by lonna(at) (Lonna Poland)

 Date:  Tue, 10 Nov 1998 14:31:29 -0600
 To:  <hwg-graphics(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
The two main programs I use are PSP4 and PS5.  I still would like to know if
there is such a thing as an easy way to select or pull out a foreground
figure from a picture, or to drop the whole background, leaving just the
foreground.... such as a person standing in front of a building... or an
ocean, and dropping that background or pulling the person out to be able to
place them on a totally different background.

Is this possible to do with either of the above programs easily... such as
with a plug in or something, not needing to us the marquee tool or magnetic
lasso or path tool.  I just have terrible results trying to use those tools.
There must be an easier way!  Help!

Or if there is other software that isn't too expensive that will just drop
backgrounds or select a foreground figure easily.  It seems that I saw a
page on the web somewhere that said they were getting a plugin soon that
will do this.... but I've forgotten where is was.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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