Re: resizing question

by "Travis Wall" <wallt(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 16 Mar 1999 21:53:47 -0700
 To:  "Cathy Kenny" <fish(at)>
 Cc:  "HWG Graphics" <hwg-graphics(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
>I resized a graphic (along the horizontal axis only) in Corel 8, saved it
>as a PSD and then brought it up in 
>Adobe 4

>Strangely, it has the original dimensions...

    You had "maintain original size" checked
    in the resample dialog, or you just adjusted
    the DPI with the measurements set to pixels.

    Either one would keep the image at the same
    (actual) size after resampling.

Travis Wall, Graphic Designer
Defiance Visual Industries

"there can be no God's eye view of the world"
 --- (author unknown)

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