Re: My Site2 (REDIRECT??)

by "Collin Lim" <collinlim(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 08 Dec 1997 14:46:50 PST
 To:  hwg-graphics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Did I really respond to a critique request on the Graphics List?  If I 
did, how stupid of me, my sincere apology.  Being a member of multiple 
lists (Graphics, Critique, and HTML), I'm aware of most of the rules.  
If I had broken the rule, it wasn't intentional.  I guess I should be 
more carefull about the origin of the posts before responding.  If 
someone know when and how I made that mistake, please let me know, 
privately of course, I don't want to carry this off-topic discussion on 
the Graphics list any further.


----Original Message Follows----
Date: Mon, 8 Dec 1997 08:11:20 -0600
To: HWG Graphics <hwg-graphics(at)>
From: Ricardo Madrazo <madrazo(at)>
Subject: Re: My Site2 (REDIRECT??)

Collin and Kevin,

I know we as list members have the advantage of having December be a
"list-guide-free" period, to see if we can monitor ourselves and be our 
cops.  I think we should take this time and use it to our advantage, not
abuse it so that the "powers that be" can in turn become more lax in 
policies... believe me, I have been the victim of the implementation of
stupid rules.  I hate it and it sucks.

This thread about Kevin's site quickly became a topic for hwg-critique,
which I believe you (Collin) are also a subscriber of.  Please either 
with it privately or send it over to that list.

The less weapons we put in the list guides hands to shoot us with, the
better a community this will be for all of us.


Ricardo Madrazo.

>1. The quality of the JPEG pictures is now several folds better than
>before (GIF format).  The file size might be a little bigger now, but
>the pictures deserve to look better, and I think it is worth the extra
>few seconds wait.  Especially when you are presenting your quality 
>not just information.
>2. I would like to see the fonts a little smaller.  It looks okay on a
>high resolution setting, but at 640x480, I had to back my chair off the
>desk a little  ;-}
>3. The Welcome image (image2.gif) still has a greenish halo around it.
>I don't know if that is intentional.  It doesn't look very attractive 
>me.  It also has jagged edges.  I suggest you redo that image.
>4. I think the <hr> tag is being used too excessive.
>5. The wmr.gif image on the main page is broken.
>6. When viewed with high resolution setting, the centered texts are
>centered, but the non-centered texts are way off to the left side.  You
>might consider using tables to tidy things up.
>7. Generally, you'd like your sub-pages follow the same theme as your
>main page.  All of your pages have black background but the Trivia Game
>sub-page does not.
>8. The source code is difficult to follow.  I recommend making it less
>busy.  Unless is it generated by some HTML editors that you cannot
>control the output.

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