Re: aligning image/text

by Jeff Kane <jeffkane(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 15 Jan 2000 00:09:45 -0500
 To:  lavalier(at)
 Cc:  hwg-graphics(at)
 References:  erols
  todo: View Thread, Original
Your question isn't clear to me, so I can't make any suggestions. 
However, your image bfilogo image is 319 pixels x 307 pixels, which 
your showing as a 50 x 50 image by using the height and width 
attribute. Unless you're using the full-size image on an earlier 
page, so that it's cached by the browser, you would get a faster 
download by reducing the image to the size you actually want (e.g., 
50x50). My estimate is that the file size will drop from 96K to 3K.

In addition to the smaller file size, you'll get a better image. The 
horizontal lines are lost when you have the browser resize the image. 
Also, you'll probably want to clean up the red pixels in the image.

Finally, it's generally preferred that you don't cross-post the same 
message to multiple lists, but instead go to the list that's most 


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