Inserting correct sound code

by grandane <grandane(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 15 Apr 2004 16:21:39 -0300
 To:  hwg-languages(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Have completed small website using xhtml and validated -  Have have had up 
until now, no desire to use music but this time thought would try it on one 
page only(chicken?)...previously this page validated but code I have 
freshly inserted (as follows) does not validate - I used the following code:

<bgsound img src="catsinthecradle.mid" loop=1 />

altho music plays (can hardly hear it, havn't worked that out yet) received 
nearly a page of errors for the above code - just about everything that 
could be wrong was wrong - some part of it apparently has to be in xml?

Can anyone help - would certainly appreciate it as want my pages to 
validate as xhtml transitional - havn't advanced to the 'strict'  step yet!


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