hwg-software archives | Mar 1999 | new search | results | previous | next |
Outlook Express/IEby "Leo Smith" <barter(at)ntplx.net> |
Hi everyone... I came across a Microsoft problem and wondered if anyone else had the problem and a solution. Problem: When creating MAILTO instructions in HTML, IE is limited to accepting a maximum of 456 characters. In cases where multiple email addresses are to be listed in the HTML for MAILTO, IE works fine as long as the number of email addresses is 22 or less. However, when using more than 456 characters in the HTML command set for MAILTO, the Dialog Box appears with this message: "Could not perform this operation because the default mail client is not properly installed." Microsoft acknowledges the problem. In this case, we have a group of 25 email addresses Netscape and NeoPlanet browsers do not have this problem when 25 email addresses have been entered in the HTML MAILTO instructions. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to overcome the problem for those using MSIE 4.0 as their browser? Leo Smith
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