The Daily update...

by "Ben Russo" <>

 Date:  Fri, 28 Jul 2000 01:47:19 -0700
 To:  "HWG Techniques" <hwg-techniques(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hello again...

With this new site I'm building ("enough about the site, dammit!"), i need
some bigger ideas than the usual HTML and java things...

The site is going to be a daily thing with stories and such and I was
wondering if it's possible to have days pre-done and all the site has to do
is redirect it.  Actually I know it's possible, but what would I need?  I'm
pretty sure CGI is involved to determine where to go depending on the date

Related to that, how would I keep certain elements of a page easy to change
with so many pages being created?  That's probably a SSI question.

Thinking about the site while writing this raised another idea ("yeah!, more
crap to answer...").  If I wanted to, how would I create a page that showed
up the very first time a person saw the site.  Like have a
welcome/introduction page to tell about what they can expect daily.  This
would be a one-time thing and then the rest would be the normal days.

Also, I want to send out newsletters to people who sign up on the site...
can that be done with CGI or would I also need a program?

The site is just being created now and it'll probably be a while before I
can get enough cash to get the domain and the hosting, so I just wondering
about this stuff now so I don't worry later.  If you want, check out what
I'm up to at

Thanks in advance...


PS:  I'm open to design and layout criticism in case you're wondering... : )

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