RE: Why in NN 6.1?

by "Bob Sprague" <bsprague1(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 13 Oct 2001 15:29:31 -0400
 To:  "HWG Techniques List" <hwg-techniques(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  gte
  todo: View Thread, Original
Larry Coats wrote:

	>I see you've taken the DOCTYPE out completely.
	>I'm not sure that Michael meant that you needed to do that,
	>he may have just meant you to take the
""  portion

OK. I have removed only part you suggest and returned the first part.
This works, too.

	>NN6.1 chooses its "standards" mode when an HTML 4.01 transisitional
	>DOCTYPE includes a uri, but uses its "compatibility" mode when the uri
	>is not present, or when there's no DOCTYPE at all.

Thanks for this info.

	>If you want to pursue exploring what issues were
	>causing NN6.1 not to display
	>correctly, put a version back up under another name
	>and with the DOCTYPE
	>and I'll be happy to take a look.

Thanks, Larry. Please see

Bob Sprague

Larry Coats

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