Re: Netscape 6 -- slightly off topic

by "Darrell King" <darrell(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 10 Apr 2000 13:23:36 -0400
 To:  <hwg-techniques(at)>
 References:  webwitch desktop
  todo: View Thread, Original
>>>While I applaud their decision to try and be as compliant as possible, I
cannot help feeling that this will only reduce their userbase as people
upgrade only to find many sites breaking.<<<

>From a development viewpoint, I have to support the compliancy.  While the
arguments supporting the usefulness of supporting ametuer coding have their
merits, the bottom line is that the only reason many sites don't break in IE
is simple luck.

IE breaks on some standards-compliant code, while NN tends to break on
non-compliant.  Since my goal is to code toward standards, then I have to
say I am happy to see NN6.  That doesn't mean I prefer NN over IE (I use IE5
often), but rather that I would be happy to see movement toward compliancy
no matter what camp it comes from.

As for ametuer coding, I think its great...the Web should be open to anyone
who wishes to get involved.  The only difference in a compliant environment
is that the WYSIWYGs will have to produce compliant code.  This is not a bad

Whether or not NN6 and similar efforts become popular is partially
attributable to them fixing the bugs that apparently are still in the
code...and partially to whether we support the effort by producing code to
support the recommendations.  If we don't, then we can just continue on
struggling to build pages that work cross-platform.

Personally, I am tired of explaining browser differences to potential
clients who are still learning to use their mouse.  I support compliancy.


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