OT: Sort Of! Windows NT Workstation down

by "Nancy Whittley" <jnwhittley(at)fuse.net>

 Date:  Tue, 22 Feb 2000 14:57:56 -0500
 To:  "HWG Techniques" <hwg-techniques(at)hwg.org>
  todo: View Thread, Original

I know this is Off Topic I appologize, but you guys are so good
at everything.   Please answer off the list. I have alot of websites that
are backed up and stored on a computer so this is sort of connected as a
technical html problem!

I have a network of three computers.  One is using Windows NT workstation
this is where I store a bulk of my websites,
and yesterday I turned it on and it boots up to the screen that
says Windows NT then it gets to the Ctrl + Alt + Del command and the screen
goes blue, there are lots of numbers
in lists, and under it all it says it is dumping the physical memory
the memory is dumped..  and we are dead in the water.   Any of you
out there have a clue?  I shut it down Friday for a thunderstorm.

If by some chance there is a virus on it, is there a program that I can
boot to a floppy and scan it?  F-prot used to but that one won't go
on one floppy anymore.



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