Re: Pulldown menus

by "Mike Taylor" <lonewolf(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 3 Dec 2002 23:48:00 -0500
 To:  "HWG Techniques" <hwg-techniques(at)>
 References:  dale webmaster
  todo: View Thread, Original

> | I was looking at their code and WOW - I just don't know that much about
> | javascript.

Don't feel bad --I don't think there are more than a handful of people who
have both the time and JavaScript expertise to accomplish some of the
intricate DHTML menus floating around on the web.   As testimony to this,
the same four or five DHTML menu scripts get passed around on the Internet
to the point that I'm uncertain who wrote the original scripts...even the
one on the Profunds site was a script I've seen elsewhere.

The more popular dropdown and hierchial menus have names like CoolMenus
(this one is free so it's your best bet), Hiermenus (they charge you),
OpenCube (ditto), Milonic's menu (free) and then you've got the built-in
DHTML stuff that comes with some of the graphical applications already
mentioned in previous replies.

Coolmenus is at:

Another one is Milonic's menu:


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