Re: Altering IE to use another editor for HTML files

by 2Nerotik <2nerotik(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 16 Jan 2000 10:16:57 -0800
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
 In-Reply-To:  tigermoth
  todo: View Thread, Original
Man I'd love to know this answer too, I've searched the .ini files, the 
and anything else I could think of regarding IE and it's use of Notepad to view
the HTML source to try and change it or at least add another program to the
list. But have yet to find it.

If anybody knows, I'd also be very appreciative of the answer.

At 12:34 PM 16/01/2000 +0000, Stephen Courtney wrote:
>I know this isn't quite within the topic range for this list, but I thought
>people here are probably more likely to know the answer:
>Is there any way to alter the program used by Internet Explorer when
>'File->Edit with Notepad' is clicked on. I've looked in the Programs section
>of the options, but notepad is the only program to show up there.
>I've got Edit Plus, (a shareware editor), and would like to be able to use
>that from a click in IE.

|| On the other hand, you have different fingers.
||  Addicted 2 Swing --->
||  Fontaholic ? --->
||  HTML Writers Guild --->

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