Re: Netscape - again!

by Tamara Abbey <tamara(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 08 Oct 2000 07:42:04 -0500
 To:  =?iso-8859-1?Q?St=E9phane?= Bergeron <stephberg(at)>,
 References:  hwg
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 11:34 AM 10/7/00 -0400, St=E9phane Bergeron wrote:
>Check this out:=20
>If you are going to write to the XHTML spec then you should comply closely=
>to it and validate your documents.  You omitted all the closing single=20
>tags like <br /> or <img /> and you have uppercase tags in there which are=
>invalid XHTML as well as unclosed p and li tags.  There are also duplicate=
>align and valign attributes in some td tags and some attributes are not=20
>quoted which is also invalid XHTML. You also use invalid attributes like=20
>border in an a href tag and have one of those unclosed on line=20
>37.   There's many more errors but the list is too long to go through=20
>here.  My advice is that if you want to keep using deprecated attributes=20
>and tags just stick to HTML 4.01 Transitional and validate all your=20
>documents.  Invalid markup is more often than not the cause of rendering=20
>problems in browsers.

Stephane and all,

Actually, the XHTML is my goal once I get the site re-designed. I hit the=20
panic (*send to techniques*) button a little too soon. I do have the table=
visible in NN 4.5 now, but, I still need to pull the styles from the=20
tables, close the tags and work toward validation.

I have actually validated a couple of pages to the XHTML, so I thought I=20
would save myself the grief of the validator until I knew I was closer.

Instead, I ended up sharing it with all of you, I am very sorry about doing=

Thank you all for your time, and I'll try to keep off the *panic* button=20
until I'm not as tired and cross-eyed.


>Your main problem with this page might be that your first form tag is not=
>closed.  As much as I dislike Netscape I don't think it is at fault here.
>St=E9phane Bergeron
>At 10:55 AM 06/10/00 -0500, you wrote:
>>Hi all,
>>I am finally going to say it -- &*^% Netscape &*^%
>>I am trying to nest tables and I just can't figure out why it's not=
>>-- I've looked for the obvious broken cells/rows/etc.
>>This table shows up fine:
>>But, when I copy and paste it into:
>>It disappears. Right now I have all my borders turned on, but I've tried
>>all the usual. Are the form actions messing it up?
>>Any ideas?? Work arounds?
>>Thanks in advance,
>>"Netscape doesn't suck, it just notices if you do." ... Art Sackett

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