GOT IT! RE: opening large access-log files

by Roxy <4Roxy(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 07 Nov 2000 15:48:02 -0500
 To:  <hwg-techniques(at)>
 References:  autumnweb
  todo: View Thread, Original

Thanks for all the info. I will go get and try a couple of the suggestions 
that came in after I found one that worked ... just so I know if they will 
or not.

Per a suggestion sent, I got Ultra Edit from ZDnet's downloads, and it 
opened the file with barely a hesitation. *hurrah!!* Since these large 
files only happen Oct-Dec, usually, but regularly, I'll pay the $30 
shareware price of that.

Yes, did try Wordpad, too, and that wouldn't work.

Last year, between Oct-Dec I had occasional large files, never could open 
them. So I had to just include the whole week's file in with the stats. 
Instead of having the "month" report end on the 30th/31st, it would extend 
a few days into the next month. I run Fast Stats log-file analyzer on the 
log files, it gives me great information and works very quickly (really 
noticeable on months with weekly log files approaching 100,000kb.)

Oh, and I should have mentioned that I also have a 2nd harddrive as my swap 
file, 2 gigs, and Windows has been adjusted to use that space/area. So 
usually, that helps a lot. Especially with the graphic programs I run. 
Rendering effects on large images is usually no longer than a blink or two.

Just thought I'd let everyone know what I found that did work ... I 
appreciate ALL the suggestions, it helped me find a solution :-)

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