Web Host Speed

by Matt <ncmail(at)triad.rr.com>

 Date:  Sat, 06 Sep 2003 22:12:09 -0400
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)hwg.org
  todo: View Thread, Original
This question isn't exactly about web design but it's pretty closely related.

I am comparing ISPs that specialize in web hosting and want to avoid 
getting one that is slow.  I have used a free service on a site that will 
ping any domain name and tell how many milli-seconds it takes to get a 
control packet back.


I am wondering if this is a good test for the site's server speeds or if 
the difference in speeds may be due to geographical location alone.

What is the best way to pick a fast host or at least avoid a slow one?

I have done a lot of searching and found two that offer great space and 
bandwidth, have extensive features and have great user reviews from 
independent sites that rate web hosting providers.  When I do the speed 
test from the site listed above, one of them comes back extremely faster 
and I am wondering if the comparison is meaningful.

One has an average response time of 10ms and the other of 66ms.  Is that a 
significant difference in practical terms or are they both very 
good?  Could it just be a geographical difference?  Maybe it's of no value 
anyway because my site would be on a different server and there is no way 
to tell whether it would be overloaded or not.

Is there some question I can ask the host about their standards for maximum 
response times?

If you have any comments about particular hosts that are good or bad you 
may respond off-list if you prefer.



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