
by Ben Ocean <beno(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 14 Jun 2000 11:05:43 -0700
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi all;
When I made my proposal to the national corp. I mentioned previously, they 
asked me if the site would be scalable. Now, I consider scalability to mean 
where *all* components scale, like can be seen on this masterpiece:
where everything scales to the resolution of the user's monitor. Well, as 
Steve Serra (and others) would rightly say, that's *way* beyond my ability, 
and I told the client that. (It wasn't on his spec sheet, either ;-) Then I 
got to thinking (uh-oh)...
What if I could build the site such that it could be retro-fitted for 
scalability? Is this possible? Is it feasible? Or is it of such a nature, 
that it'd be damn near impossible? If it is possible and feasible, how 
would I do it? TIA,

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