Re: Problems with NN 4.7

by tamara <tamara(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 21 Feb 2002 12:21:40 -0600
 To:  <hwg-techniques(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  get2net
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 05:23 PM 2/21/2002 +0100, George Nielsen wrote:
>For your information Tamara has found the right solution. I put the 
>stylesheet alongside the file index.html (outside any folder) and, lo and 
>behold, my Website could be seen by Netscape Navigator 3 and 4. Why these 
>browsers cannot see the stylesheet if it is in a folder I do not 
>understand; it seems illogical to me. Anyway, whatever the reason, now I 
>got it to work.

It's in the paths George -- others also noticed it and noticed it better 
than I did due to the pointing schemes you were using. I missed that part.

Actually, Netscape's behavior is extremely logical -- if you tell the 
browser to go get something (in this case Personal.css), then it will 
render for the user if it's where you say it is. If it's not there, then 
the user won't see it. It's one of those rare cases where NN is behaving 
the way it is _supposed_ to behave.

Kind of like sending a letter to a friend at 99 CSS St. -- if your friend 
lives at 99 CSS St., then the letter will get there, but if your friend 
lives at 999 CSS St. Apt. #44, then your friend may never see the letter 
unless the letter carrier is a very friendly, understanding, IE-kinda 
person that knows what you _really_ meant when you addressed the letter.

<tamara />

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