Re: Dreamweaver

by "Jeniffer C. Johnson" <lead(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 30 Jun 2001 22:27:38 -0500
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
 References:  hotmail
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 11:25 AM 6/30/2001, Noteworthy Web Designs wrote:
>I really love Dreamweaver except for one little quirk (and yes, I have run
>across the table issue, but only when I accidentally drag the table. That's
>where having the view source and the wysiwyg window open at the same time
>helps). I can never get it to TOTALLY clean up Word documents. I have several
>customers who send me stuff in Word, which initially, I tried to convert to
>html, then run it through the "Clean up Word HTML". It never totally gets 
>rid of
>the <span>, <Font family>, and other weird tags that Word tacks in. I've taken
>to just copying and pasting directly from the document itself, then adjusting
>margins and what have you however I need to. Still misses some tags, though,
>even when I put in to clean up specific tags. Oh, well. I gotta earn my money

I have to convert word docs frequently. What I generally do after using the 
cleanup option is to highlight my text, and then set it all back to 
"default font" in the options box. This works pretty quick and painlessly 
most of the time. Once in a while I still have to clean out some specific 
items in table cells. The only problem I STILL have is with some content I 
actually receive in Lotus Notes (don't ask..I have no control over the 
email client the office uses...hehe). I convert from Lotus to RTF, open in 
word, convert to html, reopen in DW, clean up html, and then I still have 
to go through and pull out one character that appears in Lotus as an extra 
space, doesn't show up in either DW or Word at all, but when displayed in a 
browser shows as the &.Ecirc; character. Those all have to be removed by hand.


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