quick mini-survey: default text size for IE 5.x users?

by Bennett Haselton <bennett(at)peacefire.org>

 Date:  Sat, 30 Jun 2001 19:30:00 -0700
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)hwg.org
  todo: View Thread, Original
I've received some replies from IE 5.5 users whose default font size on 
their machines is set to "Medium"; and others whose default font size is 
set to "Smallest".  Since my machine, with a fresh install of Windows ME on 
a clean hard drive, has IE 5.50.4134.0100 with text size set to "smallest", 
I'm guessing that there are a lot of users on the Internet with a similar 
configuration, and if that's the case, then it should probably be taken 
into account when designing sites.  (My other machine, running IE 
5.50.4134.0600IC installed off a CD over a pre-existing copy of IE 5.0x, as 
the font size set to "Medium".)

I was wondering if list readers could take about 60 seconds to help me out 
by answering these questions about their own system -- I'll summarize the 
results in a post to the list after all replies have come in.

If you're running Windows, and you have *never changed the default value* 
for View->Text Size (as far as you remember), can you send me, off-list, 
the answers to these questions:

1. If you go to View->Text Size, which of the choices is selected: 
"Largest", "Larger", "Medium", "Smaller", or "Smallest"?

2. What is the exact version number displayed under About->Internet 
Explorer?  I have 5.50.4134.0100.  Also, since it might be relevant, what 
version of what operating system are you running?

3. To the best of your recollection, how did this installation of IE 5.x 
come to be on your machine -- was it downloaded and installed over an older 
version, or did you buy a new computer with Windows ME and IE 5.5 
pre-installed, or how?

Thanks for your help,


bennett(at)peacefire.org     http://www.peacefire.org
(425) 649 9024

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